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Robot City [ENG] v 2.5
[ · Скачать удаленно (7,5 Mb) ] 06.06.2016, 20:31

Genre: Arena
Players: 12 pvp (gladiators)
Size: 96 * 96
Language: English
Authors of the map:
N7 Molot (Kolotovkin Constantine) - an idea that forces objects, features, AI system test.
Manvel Margaryan - the idea of the landscape
Artem Kalinin - test


Robot City version 2.5 (* test release)

Full list of changes from 2.4.4 for 2.5.1:
1) global optimization map
2) the spread of teams (team "Red" team "Blue")
3) small variations in the interface (ready ability percentage)
4) HD loading screen (1080)
5) changed the landscape type (old: Dalaran, New Ruins of Dalaran)
6) new textures
7) "Spirits" (replaced by the model in the spirit of nature firefly)
8) the ability to have the spirit immediately randomly pick a hero
9) the unloading/loading of objects (now you will be able to unload the hero all the items in the forge and back (assembly occurs only pervyeh items. Do not lose items))
10) a new mode of "Team Battle" - a random team
11) 3 new hero (12 new abilities)
12) new artifacts (continued chain of boots and gloves)
13) error correction
14) completion systems
15) changes in the characteristics and abilities
16) conversion of income
17) reduction in the attack speed
18) changes in the characteristics of neutral units
19) added the new weather effects
20) new sounds
Note: Recording is disabled replay!!!

Game Commands:
.rs - restarts the countdown during registration and match expectations. Re-registration the match starts.
.end - recounts the final matches (probably not useful).
.info - it shows the characteristics of the hero. So far, the movement speed and attack speed.

The words of the author:
The work of this version was delayed, but your time has given a good quality result. Previously, the project was very damp, had a lot of errors, defects, imbalance, etc. ... The work was mainly on systems and the main arena balance. Just to rewrite entirely the AI ​​system and trim it to 95%, as well as other features have been optimized several times. Project Weight comes to mass peak in the future may have to download 2 files, one for the place. If you get my idea, then the project will not be much a lot to weigh, but the function will be a huge mass. In general, the news wait.

The project will take any donations, more information cards (F9).


Категория: N7 карты на WarCraft III | Добавил: N7‡Molo†™ | Теги: maps, warcraft, молот, molot, карты, н7, варкрафт, warcraft3, варкрафт3, N7
Просмотров: 499 | Загрузок: 227 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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